The markstat command lets you combine Markdown annotations with Stata commands to produce dynamic documents and presentations.

Use Stata’s code editor to write a script as shown above center, and then generate the web page on the left, the PDF document on the top right, or the Word document on the bottom right, all from the same script! You can view the script on this page, where you will also find links to the resulting web page, PDF file and Word document.

The script on the left shows a slide show, which is rendered on the right using HTML with the S5 engine at the top (showing the default Spiral and Santiago themes), and using PDF via Beamer at the bottom (showing the default and Madrid themes). You can view the script on this page, where you will also find links to the presentations.

In this website you will find detailed information on how to create documents that combine Markdown with Stata, including tips on getting started, the documentation of the command, and more than twenty examples. Stata 15 introduced support for Markdown and dynamic documents. A comparison of the official commands with markstat may be found here.