To get started we need a couple of commands and some external tools.


1. The markstat command is available from the Statistical Software Components (SSC) archive. To install from net-aware Stata type

ssc install markstat

If you have installed an earlier version type ssc install markstat, replace to update. (If you installed an experimental version please type ado uninstall markstat first.)

2. You also need the whereis command, which is also available from the SSC archive, type

ssc install whereis

Both commands come with help files.


1. To convert Markdown to HTML, PDF or DOCX we use an external document converter called pandoc. I find that it works very well and is easy to install, with binaries for Linux, Mac and Windows.

Please visit to download and install the program. Make sure you make a note of where it was installed.

2. Then run the whereis command in Stata with the location. For example on a Windows system where Pandoc was installed for all users, I typed

whereis pandoc "c:\program files (x86)\pandoc\pandoc.exe"

The file path is in quotes because it includes spaces. On a Mac I typed

whereis pandoc /usr/local/bin/pandoc

But of course the location may be different in your system. If you have trouble finding a file type help whereis and check out the User Tips section.

This step is important because markstat uses whereis to find pandoc.


These steps are only needed if you plan to generate PDF documents via LaTeX. A simpler alternative is to generate HTML and then ask a browser such as Chrome to save it as PDF, or read the file into Word and then save it as PDF.

1. For best results generating PDF documents we first convert Markdown to LaTeX using Pandoc, and then use a LaTeX-to-PDF converter.

This will be part of a LaTeX installation such as MikTeX on Windows, MacTex on Mac OS X, or TeX Live on Unix. Consult your local TeX guru if you need help installing this tool.

2. You then use the whereis command to register the location of your converter so markstat can find it. For example on a Windows computer where I had installed MikTeX 2.9 on a folder of the same name on the D: drive I used

whereis pdflatex "d:\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\pdflatex.exe"

using quotes because the file path includes a space. Again, your location may differ.

3. You also need a LaTeX style file called stata.sty, which is needed to render Stata output. This file can be downloaded from the Stata Journal using the Stata command

copy stata.sty

which will copy the file to your current directory. To avoid having multiple copies in various folders, consider copying stata.sty to your TeX tree and updating the TeX database. Please consult the documentation for your LaTeX distribution for instructions.


In order to run R code you need to have R installed. You then need to register the location of the R executable with whereis. On a Windows 10 system I used the command

whereis R "c:/program files/R/R-3.4.3/R/bin/x64/R.exe"

whereas on a Mac running OS X I used

whereis R Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R

but of course your settings may be different. Note the use of uppercase R in both platforms, and the use of quotation marks when the file name has a space. Also, the executable name is R.exe on Windows but just R on Mac and Linux.