The Stata Tutorial

In July of 2017 I updated the Stata Tutorial for version 15, and it seemed a good time to convert it to a Stata Markdown script to be processed with markstat. In later years I updated it for versions 16, 17 and then 18. A big advantage of using markstat is that it was very easy to update the tutorial, and I could generate a PDF file via LaTeX from the same script used for HTML.

Another development is that as of September 2022 all the Stata and R code from my website is available on GitHub, starting with the tutorial. The links below will take you to the source code and supporting files on GitHub, and the published HTML and PDF versions on my website.

If you are interested in reproducing the output, the following notes may be of interest.

Downloading Files

If you are familiar with GitHub you can just clone the depository.
Alternatively, the following Stata commands will download all the files needed to reproduce the PDF

local repo
foreach file in tutorial.stmd tutorial.bib icon18.png stata18.png ///
    docs18.png _gpnupt.ado tweaks.tex {
    copy `repo/`file' .

The main files are the markstat script and bibliography. The introduction uses three images, and the programming section an egen extension. To match exactly the style in the published PDF you also need tweaks.tex as discussed below.

The Input Script

In the source script I used the simple "one tab or four spaces" rule to indent code that should be run through Stata. To list code that is not to be run through Stata, for example to explain the syntax of a while loop, I used code fences as follows:

while condition {
    ... do something ...

The code is rendered in HTML as a preformatted block, and in LaTeX as a verbatim environment.

You will also note that I coded graphs using a caption-less figure, as in

![](scatter.png){.img-responsive .center-block}

The website uses the Bootstrap framework, and the two classes, img-responsive and center-block ensure that the figure is centered and displays well in devices of varying sizes. One exception is an image used to highlight version 18, where I used an img tag so it appears only in the HTML version. Another is the screen capture of the Stata interface, which I coded so it would appear in natural size in HTML and using the full page width in LaTeX, by coding

<img src="stata18.png" class="img-responsive center-block"/>

This takes advantage of the fact that Pandoc will pass along HTML and LaTeX code to the appropriate target format and ignore it otherwise.

I also collected all the bibliographic references in a BibTeX file, and cited them all using the nocite convention. The YAML block listed further below references the bibliography file and has a literal "nocite" field.

To publish the HTML to my website I split it into five files, one per section.

Tweaking LaTeX

I used caption-less figures because they appear nicely centered in the HTML output, but unfortunately LaTeX will add a figure number to the otherwise empty caption. This is easily avoided however, using the LaTeX command \usepackage[labelformat=empty]{caption}, which adds the caption package with an option to supress labels. This is the only required tweak, and is easily added as part of the YAML block, but I decided to add a few more and collect them in a file called tweaks.tex. The YAML block used then reads

title: Stata Tutorial 
author: Germán Rodríguez
date: June 2023
geometry: margin=1.25in
fontsize: 11pt
  - \input{tweaks.tex}
bibliography: tutorial.bib
nocite: |

If you list the tweaks.tex file you will see that it uses

These are just aesthetic changes that do not affect the content of the tutorial, but allow you to reproduce exactly the published file by simply typing markstat using stataTutorial, pdf bib.

Something else you may toy with when generating a PDF document is page breaks. Having looked at the document, however, I decided that most of it was alright. I just added a pagebreak to avoid a table being split across pages, and tweaked the size of a couple of figures for a better fit. Of course your pagebreaks may differ depending on fonts and other settings.

Note. The Stata Tutorial was first published in 2006 and targeted version 9, which makes the current version the 10th edition.