Stata 15 has a putdocx
command that can automate the production of Word documents using low-level instructions. The markstat
command can achieve equivalent results using Markdown to author the document.
The example below, taken from Stata 15’s announcement of putdocx
, shows the code in Stata’s
and the equivalent markstat
which we suggest is easier to read and write.
sysuse auto, replace putdocx begin // Create a paragraph putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("putdocx "), bold putdocx text ("can add formatted text to a paragraph. You can ") putdocx text ("italicize, "), italic putdocx text ("strikeout, "), strikeout putdocx text ("underline"), underline putdocx text (", sub/super script") putdocx text ("2 "), script(sub) putdocx text (", and ") putdocx text ("shade"), shading("blue") qui sum mpg local sum : display %4.2f `r(sum)' putdocx text (". Also, you can easily add Stata results to your paragraph (mpg total = `sum')") // Embed a graph histogram rep graph export hist.png, replace putdocx paragraph, halign(center) putdocx image hist.png // Embed Stata output putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("Embed the output from a regression command into your docx file.") regress mpg price putdocx table mytable = etable // Embed Stata dataset putdocx paragraph putdocx text ("Embed the data in Stata's memory into a table in your docx file.") statsby Total=r(N) Average=r(mean) Max=r(max) Min=r(min), by(foreign): summarize mpg rename foreign Origin putdocx table tbl1 = data("Origin Total Average Max Min"), varnames border(start, nil) border(insideV, nil) border(end, nil) putdocx save myreport.docx, replace
Create DOCX =========== ```s/ quietly sysuse auto, replace quietly sum mpg ``` `markstat` can add formatted text to a paragraph. You can *italicize*, ~~strikeout~~, underline, [highlight]{custom-style="Highlight"} and sub/super script~2~. Also, you can easily add Stata results to your paragraph (mpg total = `s %8.2f r(sum)`) ```s/ quietly histogram rep quietly graph export hist.png, replace ``` {width="5in"} Embed the output from a regression command into your docx file. ```s/ quietly regress mpg price _coef_table ``` Embed the data in Stata's memory into a table in your docx file. ```s/ quietly statsby Total=r(N) Average=r(mean) Max=r(max) Min=r(min), /// by(foreign): summarize mpg rename foreign Origin list Origin Total Average Max Min, noobs ```
This example is not very representative because it doesn’t have a lot of text. Markdown does not have a syntax for underline, but markstat
accepts the HTML
tags and and converts them as needed for Word (as well as LaTeX).
For shading I used a “Highlight” custom style, that comes with the Word reference
document used by markstat
. Other custom styles can be added by editing the
reference document.
The output of putdocx
is available from the Stata website as a screen capture
The output from markstat is shown below as a screen capture, and is also available as Word document. The input script can be downloaded from this site.