Using Metadata

Pandoc understands metadata. Just start your file with three lines that begin with a % and correspond to the author, title and date. The title may span more than one line, and multiple authors can have a line each, provided continuation lines start with a space. Please see the Pandoc manual for full details. The date may be inserted using inline code to retrieve Stata’s current date, as in the example below.

% Metadata
% Germán Rodríguez
% `s c(current_date)`

The main document starts here.

And this is how it is rendered by the command markstat using meta


In addition to including the title, author and date as headings at level 1 to 3, Pandoc generates a title tag and a meta tag to list the author(s) as metadata, a feature you can see if you view the source for the above frame in your browser.

YAML Metadata

An alternative way to enter metadata is through YAML blocks, which begin and end with three dashes and can include the title, author and date, as in the following example:

title: Metadata
author: Germán Rodríguez
date: "`s c(current_date)`"

Note the use of quotes around the inline code for the date, which are needed to keep YAML happy. Quotes would also be needed in the title if it contains a colon. If there is more than one author you use a YAML array, with each author in a line starting with a hyphen with spaces before and after, as in the following example

title: Your Title Here
 - First Author
 - Second Author
date: "`s c(current_date)`"

An advantage of YAML blocks is that they may be used to provide other information to Pandoc, including bibliographic information for resolving citations as explained here, or an abstract that is used in PDF documents via LaTeX. For an example using both features see this paper.