Here is a simple demostration of the difference between the marginal distribution of a failure time and and the associated single-decrement function, in a competing risks framework with two causes of failure.
We will simulate two correlated standard log-normal random
variables, with a user-supplied parameter rho
. Call these
and t2
. The overall survival time
is the miminum of the two. There is no
We calculate three Kaplan-Meier estimates: the joint survival,
the marginal distribution of the (unobserved) time t1
, and
the survival-like function obtained by censoring observations that fail
due to cause 2.
Here’s a Stata command an R function to simulate and plot the data:
. capture program drop simcomp . program simcomp 1. args rho n 2. if "`n'" == "" local n 1000 3. clear 4. quietly { 5. set obs `n' 6. gen y1 = rnormal() 7. gen y2 = rnormal(`rho' * y1, sqrt(1-`rho'^2)) 8. gen t1 = exp(y1) 9. gen t2 = exp(y2) 10. gen t = min(t1, t2) 11. gen j = (t1 < t2) + 1 12. stset t, fail(1) 13. gen tos = _t 14. sts gen os = s 15. stset t, fail(j == 1) 16. sts gen asd = s 17. gen tasf = _t 18. stset t1, fail(1) 19. sts gen ms = s 20. gen tms = _t 21. } 22. twoway line os tos if tos < 8, c(J) sort /// > || line asd tasf if tasf < 8, lc(red) c(J) sort /// > || line ms tms if tms < 8, lc(green) c(J) sort /// > title("Single-decrement, marginal and joint survival when rho=`rho'") > /// > legend(order(1 "joint" 2 "asd" 3 "marginal") ) 23. end
> simcomp <- function(rho, n=1000) { + meanlog = 0; sdlog = 1; tmax = 8 + require(survival); require(dplyr); require(ggplot2) + + # Simulate data + y1 <- rnorm(n, meanlog, sdlog) + y2 <- rnorm(n, meanlog + rho * (y1 - meanlog), sqrt(1 - rho^2) * sdlog ) + t1 <- exp(y1) + t2 <- exp(y2) + t <- ifelse(t1 < t2, t1, t2) + j <- (t1 < t2) + 1 + + # Kaplan-Meiers + os <- survfit(Surv(t, j > 0) ~ 1) # overall survival + asd <- survfit(Surv(t, j == 1) ~ 1) # associated single decrement + ms <- survfit(Surv(t1, j > 0 ) ~ 1) # marginal survival + + # ggplot + tdf <- function(sf,name) { + data.frame(time=sf$time, surv=sf$surv, group=rep(name,length(sf$time))) + } + km <- filter(rbind(tdf(asd,"asd"), tdf(ms, "marginal"), + tdf(os,"joint")), time <= 8) + ggplot(km, aes(time, surv, color=group)) + geom_step() + xlim(0, 8) + + scale_color_manual(name="group", + values=c(asd="red", marginal="green",joint="black")) + }
And here is the result when we try rho=0.5
. simcomp 0.5 . graph export simcomp.png, width(500) replace file simcomp.png saved as PNG format
> library(ggplot2) > simcomp(0.5) > ggsave("simcompr.png", width=500/72, height=400/72, dpi=72)
What would you expect if the correlation is closer to zero? Closer to
one? Try rho=0.2
and rho=0.8
to confirm your