Two-Column Slides

Germán Rodríguez

November 10, 2017

An Economist Graph

The Stata Tutorial has a plot of U.S. Life Expectancy over time using the Economist scheme. Here’s the code and graph side-by-side:

. #delimit ;
delimiter now ;
. quietly sysuse uslifeexp, clear;

. graph twoway line
>   le_wmale le_bmale year, 
>  clcolor(blue red)
>  title("U.S. Life Expectancy") 
>  subtitle("Males") 
>  legend( 
>    order(1 "white" 2 "black") 
>    ring(0) 
>    pos(5)
>  )
>  yscale(log 
>    range(25 80)
>  ) 
>  scheme(economist);

.   quietly graph export economist.png, 
> width(500) replace;

Visualizing Regression Models

Dawn Koffman gave a workshop on visualizing regression models using Ben Jann’s coefplot. After reading the data, running a regression model, and storing the estimates, she plots the coefficients:

delimiter now ;
> #delimit ;
delimiter now ;
. coefplot fem_age_bmi_reg, eform  
>  drop (_cons) xscale(log)      
>  xline(1, lwidth(vthin)) omitted
>  cismooth grid(none) 
>  coeflabels(
>   female="female" age="age (years)"
>   bmi="bmi" reg1="Northest" 
>   reg2="Midwest" reg3="South"
>   reg4="(reference cat) West",
>   notick labsize(medlarge))
>   title(Diabetes Risk Factors, 
>    color(black));

. quietly graph export coefplot.png,
>  width(500) replace;